How to Become a Wholesale Hair Vendor

Set of various color wigs as background

As long as we can afford it, buying hair bundles, wigs, and extensions is always on a woman’s mind. That shows you the kind of money the wholesale hair vendors make from the business. Across the globe, there are thousands of wholesale hair vendors, if not more. Each one of these vendors makes their money from selling wholesale hair to you and other wig lovers across the globe. Of course, you love wearing wigs as they make you look lovely. But making money is something everyone wants and is also vital to the type of wigs you can buy.

Of course, money comes from business, and a promising one is becoming a wholesale hair vendor. If you do the hair vendors business right, you’ll be racking in thousands and millions with time. However, as with any business, selling hair wholesale doesn’t come as easy as it sounds. Like any other business, it comes with its challenges and setbacks. That’s why you need to follow the correct process before you start selling hair at all. Some of the process to follow includes

Fall in love with hairs

Whether or not you wear hair wigs doesn’t matter if you want to start a wholesale hair business; you need to fall in love with hair. You should understand the different types of hairs, extensions, and products. You should tell your customers the history of the hair, its functions, features, and ways to take care of it. As much information as you can gather about hairs, you need it as a wholesale hair vendor. People buy from people when they can trust the knowledge of the product. If a potential customer asks about a type of hair, then they don’t need you checking the Internet for the answer; they want it right from your head.

Do a Market Survey

The wigs and hair industry is a wide industry with different types of products, consumers, and brands. You need to understand every bit of the market if you want to succeed in the market. You should know the kind of consumers that are attached to some types of wigs. You should also understand the leading brands that attract different types of consumers.

Do a Contact Survey

When you start a new business, the first set of people you will have to sell to is your contacts. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense if you try to understand them. If they wear wigs frequently, you’re going to have to sell the wigs they love as part of your products. If they don’t, then you will have to find customers outside your contacts.

Choose a Niche

Getting consumers in the wig industry is the main deal, but it’s not so hard – you have to find a niche. There are numerous types of wigs to pick from – some with a lot of market competition, while others have little competition. You can choose your preferred option. Also, your target market can be the high-paying clients who buy low quantities or the low-paying clients who purchase high amounts. You have to choose also.


One honest piece of advice to succeed in any hair business is to get a mentor. With a mentor, you have experience and vision already, all you need is the customers.


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